JADT 2014

JADT 2014

Le Journées internationales d’Analyse statistique des Données Textuelles (JADT) dal 1990 riuniscono, ogni due anni, ricercatori che lavorano in differenti campi di ricerca accomunati dall’utilizzo del trattamento automatizzato e statistico dei dati testuali. Le JADT permettono ai partecipati di presentare i risultati dei propri lavori, di confrontare i loro strumenti e le loro esperienze.

Una delle sue edizioni si è tenuta a Parigi, in Francia, dal 3 al 6 giugno 2014.

Culture locali del dialogo per la transizione energetica

With its Communication “Europe 2020. A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth” the European Commission in 2010 committed the Member States to pursue a significant decarbonisation of European society. The European Commission Research & Innovation has encouraged several research projects and exchange of experiences, with the aim of increasing Europe’s capacity to achieve this objective. In this context R&Dialogue Research and Civil Society Dialogue towards a low-carbon society is a project promoted, under 7th Framework Programme, by 17 European organizations in 10 Member States, aiming to improve the dialogue between research and civil society organizations. Emotional Text Analysis (ETA) was used to identify, at the beginning of the project, the cultural dimensions in the consortium that could better support dialogue. This paper contribution reports about: a) the analysis conducted on 49 English language interviews to project’s partners; b) and on how it contributed to develop the collaboration among consortium members towards the achievement of the objectives of the project.



Tutti i paper di JADT sono consultabili sul sito Lexicometrica.